Silicone Teethers VS Wood Teethers, Which Is Best

What is Silicone Teethers?

A silicone teether is made of soft, food-grade silicone. It is BPA-free, PVC-free, lead-free, and phthalate-free. Silicone teethers are safe for teething babies to chew on and can be placed in the fridge to provide a cooling sensation. They are designed to relieve madly chomping babies during the teething phase. Soothes and massages teething gums. Most of them provide relief to your child’s teething pain and come in fun shapes.

Advantages Of Silicone Teethers

  • Safety and breakproof: BPA-free, lead-free, phthalate-free, latex-free, Lead Cadmium, and mercury-free, and non-toxic.
  • Durable and Hygienic – Silicone is a super durable material and silicone teething toys can withstand lots of chewing and drool!  is a great way to comfort your baby as sucking and chewing on the teether soothes aching gums. which can be soothing for teething babies
  • Versatile, silicone can be frozen safely and used as a freezer teether for extra soothing
  • Learning and Ergonomic design with Attractive – Silicone teethers are versatile. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, textures, colors, and sounds to attract the babies to chew and play with them, helping your baby to learn different feelings, senses, shapes, and colors. Silicone teethers are light enough for the baby to hold. By grabbing and dropping the teethers, they improve their spatial awareness, sensory awareness, and engagement. The silicone teether Can help improve fine motor skills, spatial awareness, and grip strength.
  • Easy to Clean-Silicone teething toys have good temperature resistance, and they can be sterilized in steam or hot water. Cleaning silicone teethers don’t require a lot of effort as they are dishwasher safe.
  • Easy to Store– Silicone teethers can be easily stored in a diaper bag or purse. Easy to travel with, put in a diaper bag, take on a trip, or have a few spares around the house
  • Eco-friendly and Recyclable-Silicone teethers can be recycled at the end of their lifespan. And they can save the trees and less plastic for the world.
  • Fashion Accessories -The silicone teethers are so cute! Available in a variety of styles, they are the perfect fashion accessory for your little one. It’s not just a teether, it’s a toy that can be used in the bathtub, at the beach, or in the car.

What is Wood Teethers?

The wood teether is made of  100% all-natural wood and organic terrycloth teether. Wooden teethers are made from natural materials.

Advantages of Wood Teethers

  • Environmentally friendly – wooden teethers are biodegradable and can be safely disposed of when no longer needed. This means that parents can choice to use wooden teethers and reduce their impact on the environment.
  •  Safety- wooden teethers are also a safe and natural option for babies. wooden teethers are non-toxic and free from any harmful Chemical Free This makes them a great choice for parents who want to minimize their baby’s exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.
  • Durable and long-lasting – wooden teethers are sturdy and can withstand a lot of chewing and drooling. This means that they can be used for longer periods of time, making them a more cost-effective option for parents.

Why do you need the Silicone Teethers?

Babies tend to explore everything by putting an item in their mouths. All that mouthing encourages a baby to move her tongue inside the mouth. This gives the child experience of their mouth and gums. The motion inside the mouth also helps in learning speech sounds.

But, while they pass through the teething phase, their urge to put all things in their mouth increases. The chewing on things eases their pains. Teethers are specially designed for young children. Babies chew on toys might be because of other reasons too. The chewing is not necessarily associated with the teething.

You may have noticed that your baby chews on a blanket, keys, toys, and whatever things she can pick on. Since babies love to chew and chew on whatever they can find, teethers are the best toy to offer them to chew rather than any other things.

The silicone teether price from 4.49 USD to 14.99 USD depend on the design, shape, brands.

  • Handwashing-Just use soapy or other detergent water to wash it off.
  • Dishwasher -Please rinse off any crumbs or colored stains first before tossing it in your dishwasher.
  • Boiling: Silicone teethers can be boiled for a few minutes to sterilize them occasionally.

In Jution silicone, Please check how to make the silicone teethers here:

The baby teething time can go through from age 4 months to 1 year old. So, you may need the silicone teethers in this period. Of course, different baby may have different needs, some baby may need the silicone teether until 18 months.

The babies- Teething toys are safe pain relievers for babies when their teeth begin to develop. Teething babies have the urge to put pressure on the gums where the tooth is emerging from. Chewing on a teething toy soothes sore gums. Remember to buy a teether made of soft silicone, rubber, or wood.

Final Conclusion:

No matter wooden or Silicone teethers are great products for keeping the baby away from crying.

Choosing the perfect Silicone teether is pivotal for a safe and enjoyable feeding journey for your little ones.

Jution Silicone is a leading Silicone baby products factory, that proudly offers wholesale solutions and custom OEM services tailored to meet your needs. Jution silicone commitment to bulk orders, wholesale distribution, and customizable silicone baby teether designs ensures not just safety and durability but also versatility in mealtime solutions.

Whether you seek bulk silicone baby teether, wholesale options, or customized OEM designs, Jution silicone stands as a reliable partner. With an unwavering focus on quality, safety, and personalized solutions, Jution Silicone remains your ultimate destination for silicone baby pacifiers, catering to brands, retailers, and caregivers alike in the existing world of feeding essentials!

Contact Jution silicone to Bring your own brands teether to the Market!

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